It may be difficult to compare statistical data from different sources—units of measure, time periods, and other variables may differ.
Compiled statistics can be:
Data sets can be challenging to use because they may be...
Before you start your search:
Before beginning your search, or if you are having trouble locating a source, check with your professor to see if she or he can recommend particular sources for the topic you have chosen.
As you search:
Remember—if you are not finding what you need, are having a difficult time locating a source, or are not sure how to use a database, always ask for assistance from a librarian!
Remember to ask a librarian if you need assistance!
There is a vast amount of statistical information available through a variety of sources. Ask a librarian for help if you are not sure where to look for the statistics you need! |
Yes, however, it is important to know that web search engines, such as Google or Yahoo!, are unable to search the contents of print or subscription databases. It can be inefficient to search for statistics using a web search engine. In any case, you should never start your statistical research with a general web search.
The Information in this guide was re-used and adapted with permission of Angela Bonnell of Illinois State University, Milner Library.