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Tri-C Faculty Onboarding - Library Resources: Embedded Librarian

What is an Embedded Librarian?

To directly support your students' research needs, an embedded librarian is integrated into your online course as a teaching assistant.

How can they help my students?

  • Deliver customized research instruction to your entire class synchronously or asynchronously via WebEx.

  • Use an Ask a Librarian/Research Questions discussion board to Faculty Librarians can answer your students’ research questions.

  • Assist with your students’ research needs via chat, email, telephone, and WebEx.     

How Can I Add an Embedded Librarian to My Course?

  1. Reach out to any Faculty Librarian.
  2. Once a Faculty Librarian's availability has been confirmed, please add them as a teaching assistant for your course using the Manage Support Users tool on the Blackboard Institution page.

That's it! Your embedded librarian will now be able to access the Ask a Librarian/Research Questions discussion board.

NOTE: The librarian will not access grades nor add content without your approval.

Service Credits

Embedded Librarian (Blackboard)

Meet with librarian and provide Bb discussion board access for course duration. Virtual library instruction optional.

1 service credit

Service Credit Activity ID:  5.050

Ask a Librarian