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Tri-C Faculty Onboarding - Library Resources: Service Credits

5.05 Embedded Librarian (Blackboard)

Meet with librarian and provide Bb discussion board access for course duration. Virtual library instruction optional. (1 service credit)

5.10 Library Collection Development

Contact liaison librarian for your division. Limit one faculty member per subject area, per campus. (4 service credits)

Selecting New Materials

Over the academic year, faculty members work with liaison librarians to select new materials, and help coordinate department recommendations for the acquisition of new library books and journals. An annual dollar amount is provided to guide selection decisions; this amount may change from year to year. 

Liaison librarians can provide a customized list of titles from which to choose, or faculty members can use other resources to identify suggested titles. Lists can be refined based on feedback provided by the faculty member.

Deselecting Library Holdings

Libraries regularly discard dated or worn material from their collections. Faculty members work with librarians to identify candidates for removal. They also identify gaps in the collection where material needs to be purchased or topics where newer items are needed.

Liaison librarians will provide customized lists of potential discards to faculty members to assist with their decision-making process. After reviewing the holdings on the shelves, faculty members will determine which books shall be removed, which should be replaced with something newer, and topics for which books are needed.

3.01 Accreditation Mock Visit/Report/Site Visit

Discussion with Dean, based on level of involvement, including activities such as research, self-study reports, recruiting students, preparation for presentations; varies across programs. (1-10 service credits)

5.06 Information Literacy Toolkit Addition

Information Literacy is an ELO for 100+ Tri-C courses.

Partner with a librarian to review, summarize, globalize, and identify outcomes for an assignment that can be added to the Information Literacy learning outcome. (1 service credit)

5.09 LibGuide

Meet with librarian to review and update subject area guide; share guide with colleagues. One faculty member per subject area guide, per year. (2 service credits)

List of current guides can be viewed here:

5.11 Library Instruction (f2f or online)

Partner with librarian for library instruction, including assignments, learning objectives, instruction planning, and/or assessment.

  • 1 credit for 1-2 visits per course.
  • 2 credits for 3-6 visits per course
  • 3 credits for 7+ visits per course.

5.12 Library Marketing Events

  • Attend library event with class. (1 service credit)
  • Plan or facilitate library event with librarians. (2 service credits)

Ask a Librarian