A combined catalog of millions of books and other library materials from many of Ohio's universities, colleges, community colleges, and the State Library of Ohio.
Contains full text articles from more than 10,000 academic journals from top scholarly publishers, academic societies, and university presses. The EJC covers a wide range of disciplines and contains just published scientific research as well as historical journal articles.
Offers full text plus abstracts and indexing of an international array of peer-selected publications with expanded coverage of Latin American, Canadian, Asian and other non-Western art, new artists, contemporary art, exhibition reviews, and feminist criticism. Also indexes reproductions of works of art that appear in indexed periodicals.
Provides users access to over half a century of art literature covering fine, decorative, and commercial art. Content includes high-quality indexing of nearly 600 publications, many of which are peer-reviewed, and citations of over 25,000 book reviews.
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