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ENG 1020 - Kadilak: Finding Acceptable Websites

Google Scholar

Google Scholar Search

Note: Make sure pages on .edu sites are not student papers. These are not acceptable sources.

Setting Up Library Links in Google Scholar (a.k.a. Getting Google Scholar to Give You More Access as a Tri-C Student)

How to Get a Citation from Google Scholar:

  1. From the Google Scholar result list page, click  Cite under the result list item. Click the small image below to view a larger image.

  2. Highlight and copy the citation in the format required for your research assignment.
  3. Paste the citation into your document.


Google Web Search
  Search trusted, authoritative sites: Add site:.domain after search terms (domains .edu, .gov or .org).
Example:  cyberbullying     (NOTE:  NO spaces between site: and the domain.)

 Exact phrase search: Add quotation marks around a phrase
Examples:  "animal rights"  "mental health"   "school choice"

Evaluating Websites

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